Since 2009 The Mindful Life has been developing seminars and retreats to introduce people to mindfulness practice, initially as a social enterprise and more recently with registered charity status. Experienced coaches and facilitators from various fields, we volunteer our time and draw from our experience and from our own personal commitment to mindfulness to help people to develop an internal resilience, to make space for self-care and create meaning and purpose out of difficult situations.
We recognise that “no one size fits all” and that we all choose to practice mindfulness in different ways and for a variety of reasons. This is what brings richness to what we can offer. It may be an ever-deepening development of self-compassion and kindness through observation without criticism; or part of a wider spiritual practice, drawing from a number of traditions; or bringing intentional attention to the tasks we do each day.
Whatever we do, we are committed to sharing and learning for the benefit of ourselves and others.